Venus Pools, what a beauty. This particular day was not real sunny. A few years ago someone published a book on hiking to different waterfalls. Most falls are located by crossing private land. Not very many landowners cared until someone got sued after a flash flood came. It's to risky for them to allow trespassers so we are so much more limited on what falls we can visit.
Here is a sunnier day though lots of debris had been washed down the river. I have painted plein aire here with my girlfriend who uses acrylic and needs an easel. That makes a lot more equipment to carry. |
I visted these falls with my kids, we had so much fun! The water was shimmering and reflecting on the underside of the trees and bushes. I tried to capture it with traditional watercolor methods but I am not happy with the results. I hope to focus on waterfalls this visit, weather permitting.
There is so much water! What a wonderful wet place!
I'm excited to see what this adventure will bring.
Well, I like your waterfall. Seriously, I can see the movement and the light reflecting off the water. Nice work!