Saturday, February 15, 2014

Gideon, mighty warrior

I named this one "Is his name Gideon?"  Though that is not his name, I felt certain at the time, Kai and her husband would name him that.  I did this painting to help relax myself while my daughter was laboring, 30 hours, (though total labor was 38 hours) to long of a story for now, perhaps another day. 

 My 2 grandchildren at one day old.

 Little Gal is 3 + months.  We thank God both are very healthy, including Kai, the one who labored 38 hours.  What a miracle all the way around.
 The night before Kai went into labor we had a shower for her, here is the Midwife, Assistant and Kai
Kai and her husband lay in the soft grass in the early stages of labor.

I've been away for a while.  I love what Francis Schaeffer writes in his book Art and the Bible, "“Christianity is not just involved with "salvation", but with the total man in the total world. The Christian message begins with the existence of God forever, and then with creation. It does not begin with salvation. We must be thankful for salvation, but the Christian message is more than that. Man has a value because he is made in the image of God.” 

And another which I use on my own art:

 Aloha Raliegh

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